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A Long War An Uncertain Future

The Future of the Kurds in Syria

A Long War, an Uncertain Future

In the midst of the brutal Syrian Civil War, the Kurds of northeastern Syria have carved out a semi-autonomous region, known as Rojava. But now, with the war winding down, the fate of Rojava—and the Kurds who live there—hangs in the balance.

A Complex History

The Kurds are a stateless people with a long history of oppression. In Syria, they have faced discrimination and violence for decades. When the Syrian Civil War began in 2011, the Kurds seized the opportunity to establish their own autonomous region in the northeast.

A Key Ally in the Fight Against ISIS

The Kurds have played a key role in the fight against the Islamic State (ISIS). They have been at the forefront of the battle against the extremist group, and have suffered heavy losses in the process.

An Uncertain Future

Now, with the war against ISIS winding down, the future of Rojava is uncertain. The Syrian government has vowed to retake control of the region, and Turkey is hostile to the Kurdish presence there. The Kurds are also facing pressure from the United States, which has been their main ally in the fight against ISIS.

What's Next?

The fate of Rojava and the Kurds who live there is uncertain. The region is likely to remain a flashpoint for conflict as the Syrian Civil War continues to wind down.
