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Become Human A Look At The Cast And Crew

Become Human: A Look at the Cast and Crew

Introducing the Characters

Become Human, a 2018 adventure game developed by Quantic Dream, follows the lives of three androids: Kara, Markus, and Connor. Kara, voiced by Valorie Curry, is a caring android who longs for freedom. Markus, voiced by Jesse Williams, is a determined android who seeks to lead a revolution against humans. Connor, voiced by Bryan Dechart, is an advanced android detective who works to solve crime.

The Team Behind the Scenes

Quantic Dream, a renowned game developer, created Become Human. The game's director, David Cage, has a long history of creating interactive stories that delve into complex ethical and philosophical themes. The game's writing team included Adam Williams and Quantic Dream's co-founder, Guillaume de Fondaumière.

A Voice Cast That Brings Life to the Characters

The voice cast of Become Human is exceptional, with each actor bringing their own unique talent to the role. Valorie Curry's performance as Kara is both touching and heart-wrenching, while Jesse Williams' portrayal of Markus is inspiring and powerful. Bryan Dechart's Connor is a complex and nuanced character, and his voice acting perfectly captures the character's struggles with identity and purpose.


The cast and crew of Become Human have created a game that is both thought-provoking and emotionally immersive. The voice acting is superb, and the characters are so well-developed that they feel like real people. Become Human is a game that will stay with you long after you finish playing.
